The Journal

Current Energies

Here we talk about New Moons, Full Moons, eclipses, retrogrades and other shifts in planetary energies that influence each of us.

Venus Retrograde 3*2*25-4*13*25
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Venus Retrograde 3*2*25-4*13*25

All planets are a type of energy. Venus is the energy of personal connection. She shows what we find attractive, what we value and appreciate, and how we approach relationships.  Venus goes retrograde every two years for 40 days. At the beginning of her retrograde Venus is visible in the evening. In the middle of the retrograde, she joins with the Sun and seems to disappear into the solar light. As she moves into the second part of the retrograde cycle, she reemerges as visible in the morning. In astrology, we say she has gone from an evening star to a morning star.

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New Moon in Pisces 2*27*25
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New Moon in Pisces 2*27*25

Thursday evening's New Moon in Pisces has a lot of water energy. Water element processes life through the emotions. Water feels things. And, just like water, emotions are meant to flow. Pisces as the mutable water sign is especially sensitive to the emotions that are showing up "out there" in the collective. It is the last sign of the zodiac. Pisces sees the bigger picture; how we are all connected and are part of a tapestry that extends beyond any limits...

Consider your boundaries. There is a huge difference between going with the flow and being swept away by the tides because you are unanchored.

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Full Moon in Leo 2*12*25
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Full Moon in Leo 2*12*25

Wednesday morning's Full Moon in Leo will be a shake up to wake up for many. The Sun at 24 degrees of Aquarius is conjunct Mercury at 26 degrees of Aquarius and both are opposite the Moon at 24 degrees of Leo. And they are all being challenged by Uranus at 23 degrees of Taurus, forming a T-square. Let's unpack this. 

Sun and Mercury are opposite the Moon in Leo. As with all Full Moons, there is a call to balance the two ends of the continuum, here, Aquarius - Leo. The Aquarius end is focused on community and contributing to a vision for a world that works for all. It is future focused, innovative and ready for change. The Leo end deals with personal power and leadership. When Moon is in Leo, emotional needs and feelings demand to be recognized and honored.

The need to take a new approach will be obvious, but the tendency will be to put up roadblocks and try to justify staying the course. If you choose this strategy, the discomfort of recognizing the need to revise your approach and not actually mustering the fortitude to do so will take a toll.

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New Moon in Aquarius 1*29*25
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New Moon in Aquarius 1*29*25

The first New Moon of 2025 happens on Wednesday morning. The Sun and Moon meet up at 9 degrees of Aquarius. They are amplifying the fixed air sign energy that has been building since November, when Pluto entered Aquarius to start a 20 year transit. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was the late 1700s, a time of drastic shifts in life as it was known then, including the American, French, and Industrial Revolutions. 

Aquarius, as the fixed air sign, has a vision for society that is grounded in freedom and honors individual uniqueness. Aquarius challenges the status quo and ignores rules that are designed to maintain it. For Aquarius,  each person is the authority of their individual life. Aquarius is dedicated to the concept that each person has a particular zone of genius and deserves the support required to operate there. In that paradigm, society is the ultimate beneficiary.

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Sun Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 1*20*25
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Sun Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 1*20*25

The Sun travels around the wheel of the zodiac throughout a year, moving through each sign and touching each planet. When the Sun connects with a planet, its light warms up that planet’s energy. It is a brief merging of consciousness (the Sun) with whatever aspect of life that planet represents. On January 20, 2025 the Sun will conjunct Pluto at 0° Aquarius…Pluto deals with personal power. In its lower expression, it shows up as a near obsessive desire to try to control external conditions. This is a response to feeling disempowered. We all know how that strategy backfires eventually.

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Full Moon in Cancer 1*13*25
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Full Moon in Cancer 1*13*25

Monday afternoon we have the first Full Moon of the year as the Sun at 24 degrees of Capricorn is opposite the Moon at 24 degrees in her home sign of Cancer. The Capricorn - Cancer axis deals with public persona/ambition/reputation (Capricorn) and personal matters/inner circle/self-care (Cancer). Capricorn is the flowering of the potential rooted in Cancer. Cancer is how we nourish and care for our foundation, so it can support our "out there" activities. A strong foundation allows us to reach the greatest heights available. Full Moons are oppositions between the Sun and Moon. Oppositions require balancing of two complementary energies, here, Capricorn and Cancer. Consider if you have been overly focused on one or the other.

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New Moon in Capricorn 12*30*24
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New Moon in Capricorn 12*30*24

We wrap up 2024 with a New Moon in Capricorn on December 30 at about 5:30 pm (EST). Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign and its New Moon is a time to clarify what "matters" (see what I did there? Earth sign - matter...) 

In astrology, everything is part of a cycle…[W]e have had opportunities to redefine ourselves in terms of important relationships and clarify how the world works. With this New Moon in Capricorn, we embody these understandings  as we express our purpose; we bring the awareness "down to earth". Capricorn is the sign of ambition, patience, maturity, discipline, and strategic advancement towards a goal. It expects nothing less than your best. It is the energy that pushes you to be the best version of you. Like all signs, its energy can express in a variety of ways.

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Full Moon in Gemini 12*15*24
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Full Moon in Gemini 12*15*24

The last Full Moon of 2024 happens right before dawn on Sunday morning when the Moon at 24 degrees of Gemini will be opposite the Sun at 24 degrees of Sagittarius. Full Moons are times of culmination. We are shown something that was previously not available to our awareness. Things come to light. From that place of new awareness, we are better able to see the bigger picture surrounding the area of life being highlighted by the signs and planets involved in the Full Moon.

The Sagittarius - Gemini axis deals with beliefs, growth, communication, and connection. This energy opens the door to conversations that explore different perspectives. Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces is forming a T-square with the Sun and Moon. T-squares are challenging and bring frustration from competing goals. The Sun is the material, the Moon deals with the emotional, and Neptune in Pisces adds the spiritual aspect of our common humanity. The T-square is showing these three aspects are not meshing well right now because they are competing. Consider what would be different if these aspects collaborated to build connection within yourself and with others. The key is to…

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Mars Retrograde 12*6*24-2*24*25
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Mars Retrograde 12*6*24-2*24*25

Mars is the planet of personal will. It is yang energy - how we express our drive to take action and get our needs met. It is how we make things happen, and how we express our anger and frustration when those things don't happen as we want. Mars goes retrograde every 2 years for 2 - 2.5 months. During that time, its energy is turned inwards and we are given time to review how we express our Mars. In addition, the signs it is retrograde in give an overarching theme for the retrograde period.

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New Moon in Sagittarius  12*1*24
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New Moon in Sagittarius 12*1*24

December starts off with a New Moon in Sagittarius. The Sun and the Moon will meet at 9 degrees of Sagittarius. This New Moon amplifies the energy of Mercury's retrograde in Sagittarius which started November 25. Mercury is drawing attention to beliefs that need to be reviewed for possible revision, including beliefs about ourselves. Saturn at 12 degrees of Pisces is forming a challenging aspect (a square) to the Sun/Moon. Saturn is the planet of reality checks and discipline. With Saturn squaring the Sun/Moon, we will be shown where competing priorities cause tension within us. Are you being honest with yourself?

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Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 11*25 - 12*15*24
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Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 11*25 - 12*15*24

The final Mercury retrograde of 2024 is on the horizon. Mercury has been retrograding through fire signs this year. Fire signs are enthusiastic, optimistic and idealistic. When Mercury retrograded through Aries in April, themes of how we assert ourselves and get our needs met were highlighted. In July, Mercury started its retrograde in Virgo and quickly moved into Leo, where the way we viewed and expressed our leadership was addressed. Now, in Sagittarius, our beliefs and how we demonstrate them are the focus. This is the time to take a hard honest look at your beliefs. One of the hallmarks of Mercury retrograde is not having all the information needed to make a firm commitment or decision. Something is initially withheld from your consciousness. It usually comes to light around the middle of the retrograde cycle, here on December 5. This Mercury retrograde offers the opportunity to reflect on what is true for you, based on your experiences and values.

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Full Moon in Taurus 11*15*24
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Full Moon in Taurus 11*15*24

Full Moons are times of revelation. They happen when the Sun and Moon are directly opposite each other, allowing the light of the Sun to illuminate the Earth facing side of the Moon completely. Friday's Full Moon happens when the Sun is at 24 degrees of Scorpio opposite the Moon at 24 degrees of Taurus. This axis deals with resources and security. Taurus links things with the body. This Full Moon highlights how safe you feel in your body. Along the  Taurus - Scorpio axis, body (Taurus) and soul (Scorpio) must find balance and integration. This Full Moon is pushing hard for your growth.

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New Moon in Scorpio 11*1*24
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New Moon in Scorpio 11*1*24

November starts with a softer, but no less powerful New Moon at 9 degrees of Scorpio. Scorpio is an intense sign, but most of the focus is meant to be directed internally. In fact, when we approach Scorpio season with an eye towards other people, the vast opportunities for empowerment it offers are squandered.

The dilemma for Scorpio is that the defenses it puts up to avoid the discomfort of vulnerability undermine its need for intimacy in relationships with the important others in its life. Scorpio desires a soul connection; to be known completely by its important others. The challenge during Scorpio season is that level of intimacy requires one to stop hiding and come out of the shadows, to take the risk of being fully seen.

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Full Moon in Aries 10*17*24
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Full Moon in Aries 10*17*24

The Full Moon in Aries brings opportunities disguised as challenges. This Full Moon reveals emotions and behavior patterns we might not have been fully aware of. The question is are you willing to take the risk of being fully seen in your relationships? Can you also take responsibility for showing up as your best self? Will you choose to stop deflecting and instead contribute to relationships that are mutually beneficial and self-affirming for all parties involved? 

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Pluto Leaving Capricorn
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Pluto Leaving Capricorn

Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on 11.19.24. This is a big deal because Pluto has been moving through Capricorn since 2008. Pluto comes with control issues. It shows our deepest fears and how we attempt to manage the discomfort they cause. It also shows the behavior patterns we have developed in order to feel safe or at least less vulnerable. In its higher expression, Pluto is transformative. It reveals what is not working so that it can be transformed into something that reflects the finest we can offer.  

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Solar Eclipse in Libra 10*2*24
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Solar Eclipse in Libra 10*2*24

Wednesday's Solar Eclipse in Libra brings the themes of the role of relationships in your life and how to balance your needs with those of your important others. This eclipse offers an opportunity to release outdated patterns so you can embody a new, more authentic version of yourself.

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Lunar Eclipse in Pisces* 9.17.24
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Lunar Eclipse in Pisces* 9.17.24

It's eclipse time! Every year we have 2 pairs of eclipses that are approximately 6 months apart. An eclipse is a powerful New or Full Moon, the influence of which extends until the next set of eclipses. This month's Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse. It is the first in the Pisces - Virgo eclipse family.

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New Moon in Virgo * 9.2.24
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New Moon in Virgo * 9.2.24

We have a New Moon on Monday night when the Sun and Moon meet up at 11 degrees of Virgo. Virgo is the mutable earth sign. Like its sister earth signs Capricorn and Taurus, Virgo is practical, reality focused, and experiences life through the physical.

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