Venus Retrograde 3*2*25-4*13*25
As years go, 2025 is full of transitions. All of the outer planets are shifting to different signs; many cycles are concluding while others are commencing. Within that astrological background, March 2025 is an extremely active month. We start with Venus going retrograde, followed by Mercury. There are also two eclipses. March closes with Neptune moving into Aries for the first time in 165 years. It's a lot and it can seem overwhelming when it's all laid out, but really, each of these events offers opportunities to invest in yourself and revise behavior patterns that are no longer reflecting your priorities and values. There will be separate posts on the astrology of March. For now, let's focus on the one at hand - Venus retrograde.
The Venus Retrograde Cycle
All planets are a type of energy. Venus is the energy of personal connection. She shows what we find attractive, what we value and appreciate, and how we approach relationships. Venus goes retrograde every two years for 40 days. At the beginning of her retrograde Venus is visible in the evening. In the middle of the retrograde, she joins with the Sun and seems to disappear into the solar light. As she moves into the second part of the retrograde cycle, she reemerges as visible in the morning. In astrology, we say she has gone from an evening star to a morning star. The symbolism of the retrograde cycle is beautifully reflected here, as Venus pulls inward, becomes harder to be seen by the external as she slowly enters the subconscious darkness so she can reexamine relationships and values. She is aware of her shadows during this time; she can see in the dark as it were. Where is your behavior not authentic? Are some of your values being compromised in the name of maintaining relationships or an image? Have some relationships completed their life cycle? What matters to you? Does your life reflect your priorities and values?
The Sun is the core essence, it's your light; the thing you are here to do in a way that is unique to you. All the other heavenly bodies reflect the Sun's light. They do not have light of their own. When Venus joins with the Sun in the middle of her retrograde cycle (March 22-23), she is immersed in the full light of consciousness. The opportunity is there to acknowledge old patterns and connections that need to be released or transformed. The second half of the retrograde cycle integrates these understandings. It's time to accept the version of yourself you want to evolve into and invest in that with your choices. As Venus resumes forward motion, we show up fully in the light of day, visible in the morning sky. We demonstrate our values and our worthiness in relationships.
Venus in Aries vs Venus in Pisces
Venus starts its retrograde at 10 degrees of Aries and moves back into Pisces on March 27. She resumes direct motion on April 13 at 23 degrees of Pisces. Venus retrograding through Aries brings the focus to the self. Venus in Aries is forthright. She leads with her heart and goes after what she wants. Venus in Aries does not play games. She wants what she wants and she wants it now. She also takes herself seriously and unapologetically. Venus in Aries is independent and can be impulsive. When Venus is retrograde in Aries, its time to turn that honesty inwards. Are you being truthful with yourself about your relationships? Do you know what your core values are? This is the time to review them. Core values are those foundational priorities that guide behavior. They are things you don't violate. If honesty is a core value, you tell the truth. Ah, but what about white lies? What about relationships with others who have radically different values or who expect you to compromise your core beliefs? Venus retrograde through Aries will show you when and how you undermine yourself. When she moves into Pisces, you will be given opportunities to see when you default into a "poor me" or victim mentality and disempower yourself. Venus retrograding through Pisces will show you when you have been unkind to yourself, often in the name of kindness to others. Keep in mind the importance of boundaries that was emphasized by the New Moon in Pisces that occurred on February 27. That energy is still in play for part of this retrograde.
Relationship redo?
Often, old relationships resurface during Venus retrogrades. It might be through memories or dreams, or it might be an actual reconnection with a former significant other. Regardless, consider what you are being shown. There is unfinished business of some sort asking to be completed. As a rule of thumb, Venus retrogrades are not considered great for making firm decisions about relationships. They are meant to be times to reflect, research, review, reconsider and revise. Venus will leave its shadow (cross over the point at which it went retrograde) on May 16. Any issues brought up during the retrograde that are lingering after she returns to direct motion on April 13 should settle down by then.
Venus retrogrades repeat every 8 years. The Venus retrogrades of March - April 2017 triggered the same points as this retrograde. Themes that came up back then will likely be coming up again under this retrograde. If you know your birth chart, look where 24 degrees of Pisces - 10 degrees of Aries fall. This is the area of life that will be highlighted under this retrograde.
And head's up that Mercury will be going retrograde on March 15 at 9 degrees of Aries. There will be another post covering this, but for now, use this time to do the usual Mercury retrograde preparations, including any required maintenance on your vehicles and technology, and confirming upcoming appointments. In general, gift yourself extra time in daily life, especially in March. Try to limit rushing. These are some powerful energies and it will help to move at an easy pace.
"I cannot think of a single advantage I've ever gained from being in a hurry. But a thousand broken or missed things, tens of thousands, lie in the wake of all the rushing...Through all that haste I thought I was making up time. Turns out I was throwing it away." Ann Voskamp