Full Moon in Leo 2*12*25
Wednesday morning's Full Moon in Leo will be a shake up to wake up for many. The Sun at 24 degrees of Aquarius is conjunct Mercury at 26 degrees of Aquarius and both are opposite the Moon at 24 degrees of Leo. And they are all being challenged by Uranus at 23 degrees of Taurus, forming a T-square. Let's unpack this.
What's Your Vision?
Sun and Mercury are blending their energies. This is focusing your thoughts on your vision for yourself and your future. By voicing your dreams and hopes, you begin to realize them, meaning make them real. You begin to invest energy into their creation. What do you want your life to look like, to feel like? What lights you up and lets you know you are "on purpose"? Who are your people - the ones you can share these ideas with, knowing they will support you?
The Need for Balance
Sun and Mercury are opposite the Moon in Leo. As with all Full Moons, there is a call to balance the two ends of the continuum, here, Aquarius - Leo. The Aquarius end is focused on community and contributing to a vision for a world that works for all. It is future focused, innovative and ready for change. The Leo end deals with personal power and leadership. When Moon is in Leo, emotional needs and feelings demand to be recognized and honored. Moon in Leo takes how it is feeling seriously. It does not deny, dismiss or downplay how it feels. It doesn't rationalize bad behavior from others. Moon in Leo knows its worth and refuses to play small. Are you playing at being "less than"? Are you making excuses for yourself or your relationships to not shine? Moon in Leo also understands the healing power of playfulness. Are you stuck in a responsibility swamp that sucks you down? Being a leader does not mean you are accountable for the outcomes of other's choices. And, Moon in Leo will remind you of the power of joy. It's time to make time for fun and be around those who uplift your soul.
The Aquarius - Leo axis requires balancing the desire to be part of and contribute to your community, working with others to create a beautiful future (Aquarius) while accepting the call to be a vital leader in the creation of this beautiful future (Leo). What are you here to contribute? What is uniquely yours to do? How can you make it a joyful experience?
The Challenge
Uranus at 23 degrees of Taurus is forming a T-square to Sun/Mercury and Moon. This adds unexpected disruption, bringing the potential for sudden insights into the ways in which we deny ourselves and sabotage our power in the name of security or stability. Full Moons bring things to light. The Sun illuminates the Moon's unconscious patterns and brings them into conscious awareness. They are on full display. Of course, free will always rules and if you want to deny what comes to the surface, that is certainly your option.
But T-squares can be relentless in the tension they cause, which requires an adjustment in approach to ease the passel of frustration that ensues. Because the signs involved here are all fixed (Aquarius, Taurus, and Leo), change is especially hard. Uranus does not do things gently. The need to change will be obvious, but the tendency will be to put up roadblocks and try to justify staying the course. If you choose this strategy, the discomfort of recognizing the need to revise your approach and not actually mustering the fortitude to do so will take a toll. Again, you are at choice - just make sure you realize the implications of what you are choosing. Not making a choice is still a choice. What do you want? Who are your people? What are you uniquely able to contribute to society? What resources do you have access to? All the resources. Are you using them to foster your vision of your desired future?
Consider what your sense of safety and stability is anchored to. What are you counting on to provide security? Your job? Your title? Your relationships? Your stuff? The Uranus moving through Taurus years have shown that these things are all subject to change. Depending on externals is not a great strategy. Instead, recognizing and cultivating your own power is the goal. This is not about domination or force. That is still depending on externals - you prove your power to yourself by the amount of control you exert over others. This is a hollow and temporary outcome. That expression of power is based on resistance and overcoming. Eventually there will be a bigger bully. As we move further into the Aquarius template, it will become increasingly clear that it is through sharing and cooperating that we create desired results. Community and collaboration allows each to rise to their greatest expression. That is the Aquarius vision.
This Full Moon will help encourage this shift in perspective. Use these insights to free yourself from needing to have things a certain way. When you honor your vision for yourself and trust your ability to create it, there is no need to maintain the illusion that your security rests in controlling conditions. You know deep down that external conditions are uncontrollable. So, stop pretending they are and do something that works - practice trusting yourself.
"You have to remember the value of your individuality; that you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can." ~ Jennifer Lopez