New Moon in Pisces 2*27*25

Thursday evening's New Moon in Pisces has a lot of water energy. The Sun and Moon are at 9 degrees of Pisces, joining Saturn at 20 degrees, Mercury at 24 degrees and Neptune at 28 degrees. Mars, which resumed direct motion on February 23, is in cardinal water sign Cancer, adding to the water element. 

Water, water everywhere.

Water element processes life through the emotions. Water feels things. And, just like water, emotions are meant to flow; to be acknowledged and then allowed to move through. Emotions are not meant to be suppressed, denied, or dammed up. This New Moon falls in a brief window of all planets in direct motion. Nothing is retrograde until March 2, when Venus reverses direction, followed by Mercury on March 15. More about them in separate posts. The point is this is a window when your awareness of previously hidden aspects of your emotions will be made more accessible. Consider what you are being shown about how you truly feel.  

The Pisces Lens  

Mutable signs are tapped into society. Pisces as the mutable water sign is especially sensitive to the emotions that are showing up "out there" in the collective. It is the last sign of the zodiac. Pisces sees the bigger picture; how we are all connected and are part of a tapestry that extends beyond any limits. Because Pisces completes the zodiac cycle, it is a transcendent and synthesizing sign, integrating the wisdom of the experiences and perspectives of the other 11 signs in preparation for the new cycle which starts with Aries on the equinox. Pisces has seen it all and realizes that there is much more to "it" than we know. Life as we experience it is part of something much larger. Something beyond definition. Something that can only be a felt experience.  From that vantage, Pisces can access experiences that are beyond the 3D earthbound perception. Pisces draws from the spiritual realms. There are no limits to the possible worlds its imagination can create.   

Victim vs. Artist

A lower expression of Pisces energy is the escapist, unbounded and ungrounded. This Pisces expression is tossed around on the waves of collective emotions it absorbs. It becomes overwhelmed.  Looking for an escape from the storm storm of feelings it is trying to navigate, this energy will seek to numb out. It might use drugs or alcohol, or simply escape into fantasy realms. This Pisces expression becomes the victim, looking to be rescued. Where in your life are you avoiding facing a hard truth? Where do you look for the escape route? How often have you chosen to procrastinate or distract yourself rather than address your emotions? 

Pay attention to your words under this New Moon. Mercury, planet of communication and how you receive information is in Pisces. What language are you using to express how you're feeling? Are you falling into the martyr or the victim expressions? Are you stuck in the "ain't it awful" perspective? Is your phrasing disempowering, focused on "poor me" mentality? What you say for you is true for you. This New Moon is the perfect time to change your verbiage.  

The higher expression of Pisces connects with others on both a physical and a soul level. This expression doesn't lose sight of the grander scheme of the  Universe and how we are all part of something more than what the senses perceive. It knows each wave is an expression of the same ocean. Depending on conditions, the wave might be a large, destructive swell or a calm ripple. It might be stormy grey, or shimmering turquoise. Regardless of how it shows up, it is still part of the larger sea. Pisces is often seen as soft and gentle, but this  awareness is a superpower. It  makes Pisces energy strong, yet compassionate and kind. Are you looking for the underlying connections in your life? You are not here to save anyone (except yourself) or to deny reality. Still, under Pisces' influence, what does transcending judgement in favor of compassion look like in your world? Can you explore your creative capacity and experience your artistry by using imagination as a tool and not an escape route? 

Boundaries - because you're worth protecting

Consider your boundaries. There is a huge difference between going with the flow and being swept away by the tides because you are unanchored. Mars retrograde through Cancer brought opportunities to review the ways you care for yourself. Now that it is direct, it is time to apply the insights you received and make some changes. What came into your awareness about the way you treat yourself? Do you show up for yourself?  What beliefs about yourself are you embodying? Are you consistent and coherent in your thoughts, words, and behaviors? What patterns need to be released? What patterns need to be revised? 

New Moons are times to plant seeds, to initiate things. Under the Pisces New Moon, explore your best, most caring self's expression. Embodying this self requires you start with you - honor your feelings and be kind to yourself. Trust that you are a critical part of a more nuanced reality; one that is a felt experience and not just a concept. Embody that knowing.  

"Some people think that only intellect counts; knowing how to solve problems, knowing how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it. But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion, and empathy. "  ~ Dean Koontz



Venus Retrograde 3*2*25-4*13*25


Full Moon in Leo 2*12*25