Sun Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 1*20*25

A little contextual history

Among other things, astrology is the study of the cycles of the solar system. Some of these cycles occur at short intervals. The Moon is an example, moving through its lunar cycle of New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon in about 28 days. Shorter cycles, those which happen frequently, don’t tend to bring huge changes unless they intersect with slower, more infrequent cycles. 2020 was a time when many cycles coalesced. There were multiple planets making connections that had not been made for centuries. That something big was happening was clear. What it would be was anybody’s guess. No one could have predicted the experience of 2020. As someone who has practiced and studied astrology for half a century, I would not even take a stab at what might be going on. We were and continue to be in new territory. And frankly, nothing is set in stone. Each of us has influence over what is created with these energies.  

At its core, astrology is an energy system. That energy expresses is a given. How energy expresses is another story and is a function of a variety of factors. We are each one of those factors.

On December 21, 2020, Saturn and Jupiter conjoined at 0° Aquarius. It was known as the Great Chronocration. Chronocration means “time shifter.” While Jupiter and Saturn conjoin every 20 years, they do so in signs of the same element for 200 years. Since 1802, they met in earth signs. Starting with 2020, they shifted to air signs, where they will conjoin every 20 years. A new cycle within a cycle: the Age of Aquarius began.

0° of any sign is a powerful degree because it starts the sign. When events occur at 0° things begin. Big forces are in play.

Cycles within cycles

Now we are at another cycle within a cycle. The Sun travels around the wheel of the zodiac throughout a year, moving through each sign and touching each planet. When the Sun connects with a planet, its light warms up that planet’s energy. It is a brief merging of consciousness (the Sun) with whatever aspect of life that planet represents. The Sun joined with the Moon (a New Moon) means the light of consciousness ignites the emotional needs. The Sun joined with Mercury brings awareness to how one expresses ideas and uses communication to connect to others.

On January 20, 2025 the Sun will conjunct Pluto at 0° Aquarius, the degree of the Great Chronocration. Another cycle aligning with a cycle; another move deeper into the Age of Aquarius. What was started then will be reactivated now. Pluto deals with personal power. In its lower expression, it shows up as a near obsessive desire to try to control external conditions. This is a response to feeling disempowered. We all know how that strategy backfires eventually. True power is an internal state of being, cultivated by each individual. This is an opportunity to consider what power means to you. How do you wield it? How do you see it wielded by those in authority? Have you been accepting conditions that sabotage your values? Have you been allowing behaviors that undermine your agency? How are you contributing to your community? How does your community support you? Is it time for a reset?

Pluto switching signs is a big deal. It only happens on average every 20 years. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. Take a moment and think about 2008. One thing Pluto does is to reveal the ugly in things ruled by the sign it is traveling through. Capricorn is the sign of business, government and other big institutions that structure our lives. It is concerned with what is shown to the outer world, reputation, social status, authority, traditions, ambitions, and destiny. When the economy crashed in 2008, consequences of business as usual came to light. The underbelly of business and government were revealed. This is still happening. When Pluto shows up, things that are unsustainable are clearly identified. Pluto shows what is not working so it can be transformed. This is how it deals with power and empowerment. Expect control dramas to arise when Pluto is in the room.

Pluto in Aquarius

Now Pluto has moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of innovation, technology, friends, and groups working towards a common goal. Current power structures are being challenged, sometimes violently. AI is increasingly accessible. The underbelly, the risks of these technologies, are also being realized. Capricorn is concerned with rules and traditions. Aquarius does not play by the old rules. For Aquarius, if a rule is unfair and does not serve the greater good, it needs to be changed. If there is resistance to change, Aquarius will foment a revolution. That is what happened the last time Pluto was in Aquarius in the late 1700s.

The lower expression of Aquarius is the rebel without a cause; stirring the pot and tearing things down without a clear purpose or higher vision of what it wants to build. It is a flashpoint of destruction. It dismantles limits and restrictions. It defies authority that follows an old model of ‘power over.’  

The higher expression of Aquarius fosters the power of community to create a new world in which all are allowed to contribute their unique talents and all are uplifted. Aquarius is a circle and expects each of us to step up and take our place. The era we are leaving, Capricorn, is a hierarchy, pyramidal and built on a top-down paradigm. Aquarius knows the circle is strong when all are supported. Everyone benefits when each has the freedom to develop and contribute to the vision for a better world.

So, right now, as we stand on the cusp of a new era, explore your own vision for a world that works for all. Aquarius is an air sign. It needs a vision. Regardless of what is happening in the external, you are always at choice as to how you respond. How will you express your energy? What are you here to contribute to the creation of this world? What is uniquely yours to do? Where do your interests, priorities, tools, and talents intersect with the needs of your community? How does your unique perspective enhance the process? You are creating a new story for yourself that extends further than just you. What are you creating? What do you want your story to be?



New Moon in Aquarius 1*29*25


Full Moon in Cancer 1*13*25