Full Moon in Cancer 1*13*25

Monday afternoon we have the first Full Moon of the year as the Sun at 24 degrees of Capricorn is opposite the Moon at 24 degrees in her home sign of Cancer. The chart of any particular lunation (new or full moon) shows how the planets' energies are interacting. It's like an event. Sometimes the attendees mingle and get along well, sometimes not so much, and sometimes everyone is in their own little area doing their own thing. This one is a mixed bag. 

Outer You - Inner You

The Capricorn - Cancer axis deals with public persona/ambition/reputation (Capricorn) and personal matters/inner circle/self-care (Cancer). Capricorn is the flowering of the potential rooted in Cancer. Cancer is how we nourish and care for our foundation, so it can support our "out there" activities. A strong foundation allows us to reach the greatest heights available. 

Full Moons are oppositions between the Sun and Moon. Oppositions require balancing of two complementary energies, here, Capricorn and Cancer. Consider if you have been overly focused on one or the other. Are you concerned with meeting goals to the point of denying yourself the rest, relaxation, and recovery you require? Are you taking care of yourself, getting good sleep, good nourishment, adequate hydration and movement? Are your New Year's resolutions beating you up?  These are all contributors to your foundation. 

Astrology is about cycles as has been noted. It's interesting that Cancer Full Moons are always right after the holidays. What is coming to light about the way you care for yourself? Who are your important others and do they deserve that designation in your life?  Have you been able to embody your best self? What is undermining you? 

Mars, the planet of physical action, getting desires fulfilled and needs met, and expressing anger and passion, has been spending an inordinately long time in Cancer due to its retrograde, discussed in an earlier post. It had moved into Leo for a bit, but reentered Cancer this past week where it will stay until April. Its energy is currently internally directed because of the retrograde. It is time to reflect on how you meet your needs. The Moon is conjuncting it at this lunation, bringing opportunities to attend to the care of yourself, body and soul. This really can't be overemphasized. The combination of Mars retrograde in Cancer joining the Moon and opposite the Sun means it is time to embody self-care at a new level. Self care is not what you do, it is what you are. That is what embodiment means. That is the only path to embodying your best self, which is Capricorn's essence. 

Capricorn's ambition stems from wanting to experience the self as an affirmation of the highest version it can reach. Capricorn represents the pinnacle,  the peak, of your expression. It is the desire to be acknowledged as capable and competent. It does not keep its abilities hidden. It knows it's here to make an important contribution to the world. Capricorn expresses the energy of achievement, of reaching goals as a manifestation of your highest version. It is in Aquarius that this energy expands to include humanity as a focus, but for right now, Capricorn and Cancer are cardinal signs, meaning their energy is personally directed. So, what are you investing in? If you're not sure, if you don't have a clear understanding of your best self, this Full Moon will extend the opportunity to explore. But, understand that it is not how many goals you check off your list, or how much material reward or status you accumulate. Those are not supposed to be the end game, but happy byproducts of the expression of the highest version of yourself. We are dealing with Cancer, the cardinal water sign. Emotions are the key here. How do you feel when you are behaving as your best self? That is the question to consider. 

Relationship Reset

Venus at 11 degrees of Pisces is conjunct Saturn at 15 degrees of Pisces. This brings a sense of seriousness (Saturn) to relating and relationships (Venus). With this combination, despite it being in ethereal Pisces, there is no escaping into idealized romantic fantasy. Instead, you are being challenged to be compassionate but realistic as you navigate connections with your important others. Mercury, planet of communication, is making an easy aspect to Venus/Saturn from its position at 8 degrees of Capricorn. This supports clear communication within relationships. This includes your relationship with yourself. It will help articulate your values. There is a different energy when you hear your own voice declaring what is important to you compared to simply thinking it. Notice how you feel in your body when you hear your words. This is an earth sign - water sign energy, which addresses both physical and emotional. 

Venus/Saturn are also squaring Jupiter at 12 degrees of Gemini. Squares are challenging aspects that require a change in approach to alleviate some of the tension. This square is about growth and expansion (Jupiter) within limits (Saturn) in relationships (Venus). In particular, we are focused on relationships within your community (Jupiter in Gemini) as well as your closer, personal relationships (Venus). Consider if you are in a victim - savior pattern (Pisces). Are your connections to others coming from a desire to fix or placate? What's the power structure of your relationships? Is it mutually beneficial or imbalanced? Is there competition or collaboration? Are your relationships empowering or disempowering? Do you take accountability (Saturn) for your behaviors with others or do you play the blame game? How do you view other social groups - with judgment or curiosity? We had this square, minus Venus, in mid-August. Themes from that time will likely show up again. 

Change is the only constant 

This year promises to be one of huge transitions. All the outer planets are in the process of changing signs. This has not happened before. While there is a lot of speculation about the implications, the real issue is how each of us chooses to respond to the inevitable changes in external conditions. This Full Moon is an opportunity to get clear about your value and your values and demonstrate this through consistent commitment to your wellbeing. Your strong foundation of self-care keeps you aligned to your vision of your best self. From this perspective there are options that would not be apparent otherwise. You are at choice about what state of being you are investing in. That's both the good news and the bad news. It all comes down to you. 

"Every time you are tempted to react the same old way ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future."    Deepak Chopra


Sun Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 1*20*25


New Moon in Capricorn 12*30*24