New Moon in Scorpio 11*1*24
October had some intense lunations with the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2 and the Full Moon in Aries on October 17. The latter came with a heaping serving of tension as it had a number of planets competing with each other, reviewed in the previous post.
November starts with a softer, but no less powerful New Moon at 9 degrees of Scorpio. Scorpio is an intense sign, but most of the focus is meant to be directed internally. In fact, when we approach Scorpio season with an eye towards other people, the vast opportunities for empowerment it offers are squandered, often giving way to control dramas.
We just came out of Libra season. Libra energy is directed towards partnerships/relationships and "the other". It is concerned with balancing needs and priorities so everyone feels they are treated fairly. Because Libra is an air sign, it is naturally objective.
Scorpio Season: Scorpion or Phoenix?
Now we are in Scorpio season. Scorpio is the fixed water sign. Objectivity is harder to come by. Water signs experience life through the emotions and for Scorpio, emotions are deeply felt. Scorpio is motivated by the need to feel secure. The emphasis is on the 'feeling' of security because water signs process life through feelings.
The lower expression of Scorpio energy attempts to create security by trying to control externals - conditions, other people's behavior, work flow, almost anything. This expression also hides its true thoughts and feelings behind a mask of either charming deflection or suspicious sarcasm. Either way, avoiding the discomfort of exposing the true self is critical. That level of vulnerability is too risky.
The dilemma for Scorpio is that the defenses it puts up undermine its need for intimacy in relationships with the important others in its life. Scorpio desires a soul connection; to be known completely by its important others. The challenge during Scorpio season is that level of intimacy requires sitting with the discomfort of vulnerability.
We all have Scorpio in our astrological make up. How comfortable are you with revealing yourself completely in your important relationships? What aspects of yourself do you keep in the shadows because you judge them to be unacceptable? Are you willing to risk the emotional discomfort of vulnerability to gain the intimate connection you desire? On what does your sense of safety rest? Do you court the illusion of security by making attempts to control things and people? You might not see it as control; you might think you are being organized or efficient. Consider if your approach feels restrictive in your body. Does trying to manage conditions feel heavy, tiring, or constricting? With this strategy, there is always one more thing that needs to be addressed in order to breathe a deep sigh of relief. That sense of safety remains just a little bit out of reach. The work of Scorpio season is to recognize these disempowering patterns. The New Moon is a perfect time to initiate change.
The higher expression of Scorpio has the phoenix as its symbol. This represents Scorpio's profound transformative potential. The phoenix, reaching the end of one existence, bursts into flames. From the ashes rises a new phoenix, transformed into the next version, ready to have a new experience. There is nothing left of the old version. It is gone. That is what transformation is about. There are no remnants of the caterpillar that went into the cocoon when the butterfly comes out.
Having discarded old, reactive patterns, Scorpio realizes its true security is within itself. Externals don't matter when one is does not depend on conditions to be a certain way. Because it trusts in its power to manage any condition it is faced with, this Scorpio does not run from vulnerability. It does not require validation or a curated persona to feel acceptable. It can be seen fully by its important others and in so doing, gives permission to everyone else in its sphere to be completely authentic. This degree of mutual trust is a demonstration of true self empowerment and is what creates intimacy.
Time to Transform...
Are you ready to acknowledge and release your disempowering patterns? Are you willing to transform into your most empowered expression? Do you trust yourself enough to take that risk? What would life be like if you did? How would you feel?
This New Moon is supported by an easy aspect to Saturn at 12 degrees of Pisces. Saturn here is facilitating releasing old patterns, ways of relating, and stories you tell about yourself and your world. Saturn says, "You are better than your fears and your feels. You are a powerful being. You can handle anything. You have handled everything thus far. You know how to do this. Trust yourself."
Further, there is another supportive aspect with Mercury at 28 degrees Scorpio, Neptune at 27 degrees Pisces, and Mars at 29 degrees Cancer - a grand trine. Essentially, this trio, all in water signs, is establishing a background of emotional stability and ease for the new beginnings that you are being called to initiate under this lunation. Your thoughts (Mercury), your connection to your spirituality or higher power (Neptune) and your way of taking care of yourself and meeting your needs (Mars) are all contributing to your self empowerment. It's time to invest in yourself with your words (Mercury) and actions (Mars). Again, trust yourself.
...And Find Balance
The other theme here is bringing different aspects of yourself into balance, shown by three oppositions (Venus opposite Jupiter; Mercury opposite Uranus; and Mars opposite Pluto). Be willing to:
1) explore growth in and through your relationships and be explicit in how you demonstrate your values with your behaviors;
2) pursue creative and unique paths for expressing yourself. Break out of mental ruts. Question your assumptions about what is possible for you. Listen to your words with curiosity. What do they reveal about how you view yourself. How might they be refined? Be on the lookout for flashes of insights you receive - you will receive them. Pay attention to them. They are breaking down limits. Don't overthink anything; set your sights high and trust yourself.
3) empower yourself by caring for yourself consistently and in all ways. Prioritize yourself, your joy, your rest, your goals. Create a sanctuary so you can replete yourself and deal with any uncomfortable emotions. Watch out for power struggles and control dramas. Be willing to release old sabotaging patterns and honor your sovereignty and authenticity.
Scorpio season is a time to access your intuition, resourcefulness, and determination and transform your life. Stop pushing against external conditions and hiding. It doesn't work. Be done with the old ways. Rise from their ashes. Invest in yourself and the life you want. Don't settle.
“If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down.” – Toni Morrison