Full Moon in Aries 10*17*24
Thursday morning the Moon at 24 degrees of Aries will be opposite the Sun at 24 degrees of Libra, forming a Full Moon. This one is complicated because it involves a number of other planets. Both Sun and Moon are being challenged by Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn and Mars at 22 degrees of Cancer. Together they form an aspect known as a Grand Cross. Because the planets involved are all in cardinal signs, it is referred to at a Grand Cardinal Cross. As a reminder, cardinal signs start things. Their default mode is to take action.
A Grand Cross can be approached as 2 oppositions or 4 squares. Squares are tense, frustrating aspects because the planets involved challenge each other. They want different things, but operate in the same way. For the tension to ease, there needs to be an adjustment in how the squaring planets interact.
On the other hand, oppositions show the need to balance two ends of a continuum. The qualities of the signs involved are complementary. They don't work against each other so much as prioritize different aspects of their relationship.
In navigating the energies here, we have to account for all the interrelationships, both squares and oppositions. So, let's tease this out by giving voice to the players:
Moon in Aries says "I recognize I feel A, B and C. And it is important for me to have X, Y, and Z in order to feel emotionally stable. I need to make sure my emotional needs are met before I think about addressing anyone else's needs or getting involved in a relationship. I have to take care of me."
Sun in Libra says, "It's important to me that my partner and significant others feel heard and that they know their needs are as important as mine. I feel best when there is harmony between us. I value my relationships. I can compromise and collaborate so everyone feels fulfilled. There is no need for one of us to lose so the other wins. 'We' is as important as 'you' and 'me'."
Balancing these two perspectives is a key task of this Full Moon, but not the only one. Pluto is finishing up its 16 year transit through Capricorn. This was discussed in the previous post. Pluto in the final degree of Capricorn is a key player in the Grand Cross.
Pluto in Capricorn says "I finally recognize the many behavior patterns that I developed to try to feel safe are having the opposite effect. I'm seeing how they are sabotaging the stability and respect I want by turning my relationships into control dramas because I am afraid of feeling vulnerable or being seen as 'less than'."
The fourth planet in this aspect, Mars in Cancer says "I need to take actions to create a sanctuary for myself to rest and take care of myself. I can't keep caring for everyone else and ignoring my needs. I have to be honest and open about what I am feeling. When I deny my uncomfortable emotions I find anger and frustration to be the only ones I can access and express. I don't want to function in a state of reactivity or rage all the time. It's exhausting and it keeps me separate from those I most want to be connected to."
The Pluto - Mars opposition recognizes that a foundation of self care is a pre-requisite to showing up fully and avoiding control issues in relationships.
Venus in Scorpio is also adding her two cents as she is opposing Uranus in Taurus and sextiling Pluto. While this is not part of the Grand Cross, because Venus is the planet of how we relate to our important others, it is influencing our approach to relationships. Venus in Scorpio finds "It's hard to feel close to someone when I resist letting my guard down completely. Part of me craves deep intimacy in my close relationships, but I'm also wondering if my important others will have my back and be there for me when I need them. But, I know I have opportunities (sextile to Pluto) to try new ways of showing up in relationships that balance my need for freedom and to honor my unique way of expressing myself with my need for connection." (opposition to Uranus).
How to handle all these competing energies? First, focus on what emotions are being felt (Moon in Aries). Where in the body are the emotions that came to light under the Full Moon being held? Is the back tense (support issues)? The throat closed (self expression issues)? Are the hips or knees painful, stiff, or otherwise protesting (forward movement issues)? Are feet or ankles sore or weak (grounding issues)? Your body is translating the messages of your spirit. Ask your spirit what it needs to feel heard and safe. Consider what you can do to create an environment that nurtures you and creates the sense of being cared for. If you can create the feeling of being cared for through consistent and effective self care practices, you don't need to seek it from external sources. That allows you to show up in relationships whole heartedly, openly, and honestly.
Are you ready to accept and honor the needs you have been judging and resisting instead of covering them up with anger, defensiveness or denial. This Full Moon reveals emotions and behavior patterns we might not have been fully aware of. The question is are you willing to take the risk of being fully seen in your relationships? Can you also take responsibility for showing up as your best self? Will you choose to stop deflecting and instead contribute to relationships that are mutually beneficial and self-affirming for all parties involved?
Granted, this is a lot. We have been in the throes of so many transitions as individuals and as a society, and the energies are not showing signs of easing. But, change is not optional. Notice if you are feeling like a victim of forces beyond your control. That is the first step in empowerment - recognizing where you have given your power away. It's time to reframe the story. We are being given opportunities to create lives we love, while contributing to the collective conditions we want to experience. This is not an airy fairy, wave your wand and think happy thoughts promise of transformation. This is work. It requires you to honor your commitment to yourself and your desired life. It requires you to stop making excuses. It requires you to be honest about what is not sustainable and what you need to do differently and then do it. It requires you to demonstrate the value you have for yourself by taking care of yourself consistently and in meaningful ways. It requires you to be brave as you create your life according to your vision for yourself. It requires you to trust yourself. It is completely up to you. There is no other option. And you can totally do this.
"Loving everything about yourself - even the 'unacceptable' - is an act of personal power." ~Christiane Northrup