Full Moon in Taurus 11*15*24

Revelations and Illuminations

Full Moons are times of revelation. They happen when the Sun and Moon are directly opposite each other, allowing the light of the Sun to illuminate the Earth facing side of the Moon completely. The Moon always has a side that remains hidden, away from conscious awareness. The unconscious will always be there. Still, the revelations brought into awareness under the light of the Full Moon are not meant to be ignored.

Friday's Full Moon happens when the Sun is at 24 degrees of Scorpio opposite the Moon at 24 degrees of Taurus. This axis deals with resources and security. Taurus, the fixed earth sign, is focused in the world of matter. It is the most physically oriented of the signs. When the Moon is in Taurus, emotional wellbeing is tied to physical wellbeing. Taurus links things with the body.  

Scorpio is the fixed water sign. Its currency is emotions. For Scorpio, deep connection with important others is the ultimate goal of all interactions. But first, Scorpio must feel safe enough to share the self completely. This is the quandary of Scorpio - the need to be intimately known and the resistance to the vulnerability that goes with that intimacy. Scorpio craves soul level relationships. Anything less is unsatisfactory. For Scorpio energy, the key is to realize security comes from self-empowerment. When Scorpio is truly empowered, it is not afraid to reveal itself fully as it knows it can handle whatever happens. 

The Path to Power

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 1 invited each of us to recognize old patterns that needed to be changed. Hopefully this recognition encouraged you to address your favorite flavor of self-sabotage and stop trying to use control as a path to power. Hopefully, you chose to start practicing behaviors that are self-affirming and that foster the only true form of power - self-empowerment. If you started to make changes, good for you. Now is the time you will notice some effects and whether adjustments are needed. If you haven't actually made any changes yet, but have been considering them, now would be a good time to move forward.

The Moon here is tightly conjunct Uranus at 25 degrees of Taurus. With Uranus this close to the Moon, their energies blend. Uranus brings sudden, unexpected situations and insights. It is a disrupter, meant to free you from restrictions that are keeping you stuck, but Uranus energy does not work gently. In Taurus, the sign that prioritizes stability, Uranus can feel especially intense. The Sun's light will amplify the Taurean focus on security, comfort, and safety. If you have been expecting something outside yourself to keep you safe, if your sense of security is tied to certain things, people, or conditions, pay attention to what this lunation shows you. You most likely have been underestimating your own abilities to create what you want for yourself. 

This Full Moon highlights how safe you feel in your body. How is your nervous system? Are you able to relax? To rest and restore yourself? How are you establishing a grounded and stable presence for yourself? What unresolved or unacknowledged feelings are coming up into your awareness? Where in your body are you carrying them? Where are you holding back, denying, or closing off? 

Body + Soul

Along the  Taurus - Scorpio axis, body (Taurus) and soul (Scorpio) must find balance and integration. Use the practices you have to regulate your nervous system and work through challenging emotions. What is one thing you can do right now to take care of yourself? Drink some water, stretch, take a walk, eat something healthy, close your eyes for a few minutes. Things like breathwork, tapping, time in nature, gentle movement, grounding, or meditation can be powerful tools, but only if you use them. It's time to stop putting your wellbeing on the back burner. It is not something that must be earned. It is a choice and an investment in yourself. Whose wellbeing are you investing in and at what price? What's the opportunity cost when you defer attending to your needs? Are you willing to be uncomfortable as you shift to a new way of being? Can you allow the discomfort that accompanies growth rather than run back to the comfort zone? Because this Full Moon is pushing hard for your growth. As uncomfortable as the process is, you have successfully navigated it in the past. You can do it again. 

Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn is making supportive aspects to both the Sun (sextile) and Moon/Uranus (trine). Pluto is the planet of transformation. It is clear that in order to transform, old existences must be released completely. There is no trace of the caterpillar when the butterfly emerges from the cocoon.

On November 19, Pluto moves into Aquarius where it will stay until 2044. This is its final push to move you out of any control dramas that result from standing on unstable ground and misunderstanding true power. The Aquarian model is innovative and collaborative. It prioritizes connection. The current top down, hierarchical model of Capricorn is unbalanced, disempowering, and unsustainable. What needs to be released so you can transform into your next beautiful expression? How can you innovatively manage all your resources (talents, values, as well as finances) to create a sense of safety that is sustainable and empowering? Who are you able to rely on and with whom are you sharing yourself, collaborating to build a new, fulfilling expression for yourself and your community? This is your time. 

And a heads up that Mercury will be going retrograde on November 25 until December 15. There will be a separate post on that soon. For now, take care of your tech and your vehicles. Confirm travel plans and appointments and clarify communications. 

“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.” – Deepak Chopra 


Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 11*25 - 12*15*24


New Moon in Scorpio 11*1*24