New Moon in Sagittarius 12*1*24
December is a busy month astrologically. It starts off with a New Moon in Sagittarius and ends with a New Moon in Capricorn. In between we have Mars going retrograde at the end of the first week and Mercury resuming direct motion midmonth along with the Full Moon in Gemini. Whew! Let's start at the beginning...the New Moon in Sagittarius early Sunday morning when the Sun and the Moon will meet at 9 degrees of Sagittarius.
Truth Time
Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign. Like all fire signs, it is focused on ideals - things like Truth, Justice, Fairness, Freedom, Courage. The focus is on the pure concepts of these ideals more than their application in the world. Sagittarius pushes the boundaries of what is known. Its symbol is the arrow notched in the bow, aimed at the great expanse of the sky. Sagittarius has a thirst to explore and learn. Through acquiring better understanding of other cultures and belief systems, it expands its awareness of what is possible for itself and the world it inhabits. Like all fire signs, it is optimistic, open, friendly and honest. Like all mutable signs, it likes variety and is dialed into the larger systems in society. For Sag, learning allows it to envision how to contribute to a more ideal society.
Review and Refine
This New Moon amplifies the energy of Mercury's retrograde in Sagittarius which started November 25. Mercury is drawing attention to beliefs that need to be reviewed for possible revision, including beliefs about ourselves. How willing are you to explore alternative perspectives, to open your mind and heart to someone from a totally different culture or social group and suspend your judgement in favor of curiosity? What have you noticed in the past week about your assumptions about how the world works? Are you willing to release old ideas when you see they no longer ring true for you? How resistant are you to exploring new concepts?
You’re in charge
This New Moon is placing the responsibility for your life on you. Saturn at 12 degrees of Pisces is forming a challenging aspect (a square) to the Sun/Moon. Saturn is the planet of reality checks and discipline. Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, is concerned with spirituality, connection to something larger than just ourselves and our lives. It is through Pisces that we access creativity and inspiration. Saturn in Pisces has been pushing us to get practical about how we demonstrate our spirituality. Pisces is a gentle sign and can become easily overwhelmed. Saturn's transit through Pisces demands we develop and maintain strong boundaries so we can model our compassion for the world without depleting ourselves. Practical application of our desire to be of service is the goal. Do your boundaries need some reinforcement? Or are you confusing walls with boundaries? Boundaries are not meant to protect you so much as honor yourself as a sacred being. We take care of what we love. Your boundaries are a way to affirm that you are worth taking care of.
What needs to change?
This challenging square aspect demands some type of adjustment in approach. Are you aware of why you do what you do? Are your actions aligned with your beliefs? Can you articulate your values? Can you organize the information you have gathered and gained through your experiences into an ethical framework that guides your interactions with the world? With Saturn squaring the Sun/Moon, we will be shown where competing priorities cause tension within us. Our conscious understanding and purpose (Sun) and unconscious and emotional needs (Moon) need to be integrated into our world view (Sagittarius) in a way that is authentic and supports contributing to the world and adding value, not just consuming and taking. Consider if there are behaviors you have been rationalizing. If you feel the need to justify yourself, you might want to take a deeper look at what is behind the urge. Sagittarius energy is not quiet or delicate. It is forthright and blunt. What do you need to be honest with yourself about? More importantly, why have you resisted doing so?
Mars is getting ready to go retrograde on December 6, but here it is making an easy aspect to the Sun/Moon. The next few days before it reverses direction, consider if old unresolved anger is getting in your way of becoming the next best version of yourself.
The next two years will bring huge shifts as all the outer planets change signs. Multiple cycles are ending, clearing the way for the new ones to begin. This is a time of review, reevaluation, and release of old energies that keep you repeating patterns that sabotage your growth into a greater version of who you want to be.
Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same but you leave ‘em all over everything you do.” ~Elvis Presley