Mars Retrograde 12*6*24-2*24*25

Mars Energy in Motion

Mars is the planet of personal will. It is yang energy - how we express our drive to take action and get our needs met. It is how we make things happen, and how we express our anger and frustration when those things don't happen as we want. The energy of a planet expresses through the lens of the sign it is in. The Mars placement in your birth chart shows how you approach Mars energy - how you experience anger and how you use your will to direct your actions. Mars in its ruling sign of Aries will be very energetic and impulsive. It will likely be quick to anger and equally quick to calm down. Mars in Taurus, on the other hand, will operate at a slower pace because the fixed earth sign of Taurus does not take well to rushing around. It will take a lot to provoke anger with this placement, but once the line has been enraged bull is quite a force. And, few can hold a grudge longer than Mars in Taurus. 

Retrograde Mars: Don't Just Do Something, Stand There! 

Mars goes retrograde every 2 years for 2 - 2.5 months. During that time, its energy is turned inwards and we are given time to review how we express our Mars. In addition, the signs it is retrograde in give an overarching theme for the retrograde period. Again, if you know your chart, the house/houses that Mars is moving through during this retrograde time will be the area(s) of life that will be affected. Mars is going retrograde on December 6, and will return to direct motion on February 24. It will start its retrograde in Leo and move back into Cancer on January 6, 2025 where it will continue the remainder of the retrograde cycle. Mars will finally leave Cancer on April 18, 2025. 

Retrograde energy is energy that is turned inwards. It is a time to reflect, review, reevaluate, revise and refine how we use the energy of that planet. Because Mars is moving through 2 signs, this Mars retrograde can be divided into sections. 

Mars retrograde in Leo (12/6/24-1/5/25) - Leo is the sign of personal power. It is about leadership and how we honor our own agency and authority. Mars in Leo is bringing up the way we show up as leaders in our lives. Can you honor your authority without denying others theirs? Can you collaborate with others and offer your perspective and talents without falling into judgement or feeling threatened? Do you shrink away from or deny your need for recognition? Leo energy needs to be acknowledged; it needs to shine. The lower expression of Mars in Leo is the one who is not comfortable with their own power, so they deny it. This can show up as arrogance. They demand demonstrations of allegiance and are easily offended. In their view, power is wielded "over" another. Their insecurity does not allow them to embrace their inherent worth. They are often the malcontent in the corner, grousing and judging but not stepping up to contribute anything that might improve the situation. How do you approach leadership? Is a revision called for? One who is comfortable with their power does not need to dominate.  

Mars retrograde in Cancer (1/6/25 - 2/24/25) - Cancer is the sign of home, security, foundations, childhood, and how you take care of yourself and those in your inner circle.  With Mars retrograde here, the questions reorient from your individual worthiness and authority over your life to how do you create safety and security for yourself? Is your home a sanctuary, and, if not, what needs to change so it is? What do you do for self-care? Real self-care, not occasional "me" days. How do you demonstrate the value with which you hold yourself? How do you commit to your rest and repletion? Are you still carrying anger from your childhood? What does your inner child need now?  Mars was in Cancer from 9/5/24 - 11/3/24. Consider what came up for you during those 2 months as those themes will be resurfacing. 

Remember Mars is an action oriented planet. It operates in the physical. It is not a mental planet like Mercury. Anytime Mars is retrograde there is an increased risk of accidents. Be careful around sharp or hot objects. Avoid trying to multi-task. Stay focused on one thing at a time so distraction doesn’t cause problems. Be especially careful driving. Mars retrogrades are not the time to run yellow lights or skip looking both ways. Be mindful of your pace - it's not a time to rush. Try to avoid the tendency to view things as competition.   

Additionally, expect unresolved anger to come up to be addressed. Anger, like all emotions, needs an outlet. If you tend to be explosive, it's time to learn some new ways of protecting yourself that don't result in collateral damage. If you invalidate or deny your anger, it's time to start honoring its messages. Seek help with accessing or processing your emotions if you need  it. 

From Reviewing to Doing

Once Mars goes direct on 2/24/25, the task becomes acting on the insights gained during the retrograde. It will be time to apply the awareness received during the retrograde. Commit to creating a strong and stable foundation for yourself, one that nourishes your roots, and repletes and maintains your energy. Normally, Mars spends about 6 weeks in a sign. Because of this retrograde, Mars is spending close to 5 months in Cancer. That means the theme of creating strong self-care practices that sustain you and are an investment in your wellbeing are emphasized strongly. 

Mars will retrace its path into Leo in April. The goal is then to be able to go into the world to interact, influence and share your unique contribution as an empowered person who is bolstered by the firm, secure foundation you established when Mars was in Cancer.  This might seem like a lot, but working with these energies rather than thrashing around and resisting them is like swimming with the currents instead of against them. The waters might get a little choppy, but in the end it's much easier. 

"Do not worry about anything outside of your control. The only things you command are your thoughts and actions. We choose our response. Stop aspiring to be anyone other than your own best self, for that does fall within your control."  ~Epictetus                                                    


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