Full Moon in Gemini 12*15*24
The last Full Moon of 2024 happens right before dawn on Sunday morning when the Moon at 24 degrees of Gemini will be opposite the Sun at 24 degrees of Sagittarius. Full Moons are times of culmination. We are shown something that was previously not available to our awareness. Things come to light. From that place of new awareness, we are better able to see the bigger picture surrounding the area of life being highlighted by the signs and planets involved in the Full Moon. While each of us will experience the Full Moon differently, depending on what, if anything, is being activated in the birth chart, on a collective level we are all swimming in the same energetic currents.
Gemini - Sagittarius Axis - Communicating Truth
The Sagittarius - Gemini axis deals with beliefs, growth, communication, and connection. Moon in Gemini is a social placement. Airy Gemini allows the Moon to be objective about what is being felt. Emotions are more easily examined and expressed.
We are still in Sagittarius season because the Sun is still in the sign. The Sagittarian emphasis on truth and other ideals brings an expanded perspective to conversations. During Sagittarius season, ethics, morals, and philosophical underpinnings of beliefs come to the surface. Under this Gemini Full Moon, they become ways to make connection with others. This energy opens the door to conversations that explore different perspectives. It brings the potential to leave the echo chamber that so many gravitate towards and instead, consider other view points that are different but likely no less valid.
Mercury Retrograde is Over - Now What?
Mercury, which has been retrograding through Sagittarius since the end of November, returns to direct motion a few hours after this Full Moon. As I noted in the post about Mercury retrograde, "This Mercury retrograde offers the opportunity to reflect on what is true for you, based on your experiences and values. What are you here to contribute? What fosters your growth as a human? At next week's solstice, when the Sun moves into Capricorn, these questions will form the foundation to explore how you are showing up in the world and what legacy you want to create. Mercury resuming forward motion means it's time to integrate the insights received during the retrograde. That this coincides with the Full Moon in Gemini is a perfect opportunity to explore how to use your retrograde experience to broaden and deepen your own awareness and as well as in connections with others.
Idealistic Reality, Realistic Ideals
Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces is forming a T-square with the Sun and Moon. T-squares are challenging and bring frustration from competing goals. Here, Sun in Sagittarius wants to expand and grow; to have a template for an ideal world through learning and exploring different perspectives. Moon in Gemini desires to give voice to emotions as a vehicle for connecting with others and forming community. As comfortable as it is to be around those who reflect your beliefs, this Full Moon is prompting you to reach beyond that into foreign territory. Neptune in its home sign of Pisces brings recognition that there is something beyond the physical experiences of each other we have. The Sun is the material, the Moon deals with the emotional, and Neptune in Pisces adds the spiritual aspect of our common humanity. The T-square is showing these three aspects are not meshing well right now because they are competing. Do you act in accordance to what you say is important to you? Is your life a testament to your values? Do you treat your ideals beautiful, impractical things to be dreamed of, but not actually expressed in the "real" world?
Consider what would be different if these aspects collaborated to build connection within yourself and with others. The key is to access your Virgo energy, which takes responsibility for actions. It prioritizes making practical improvements to our piece of society so things work better, smoother, or more efficiently. Virgo energy focuses on adding value to life; contributing, not just consuming. In what small ways can you begin to bring your ideals and dreams into your daily life? The choice is, as it has ever been, totally yours. What are you trying to achieve?
With Pluto staying in Aquarius for the next 20 years, the emphasis is on collaboration and community. Aquarius knows we each have something to contribute in a particular way; a distinct purpose that is unique. The Gemini Full Moon is the time to use the power of words to help you clarify what you are here to do. Your energy changes when you give voice (Gemini) to your beliefs (Sagittarius) and feelings (Moon) and share them with others (Gemini) instead of continuing to think about them. It can be quite powerful. And, truly, what do you have to lose?
"There is more than a verbal tie between the words common, community, and communication. Try the experiment of communicating, with fullness and accuracy, some experience to another, especially if it be somewhat complicated, and you will find your own attitude toward your experience changing."
~ John Dewey